...a living master
Kiiko Matsumoto is the founder of Kiiko Matsumoto Style of Acupuncture (KMS) and considered to be a "living Master of Acupuncture". She is well known for her ability to integrate the work of some of the most famous Japanese masters into her practice for the last three decades. Her style of acupuncture focuses on treating the root cause with emphasis on the entire body rather than a single symptoms. As a result, patients find Kiiko's treatments to be effective and long lasting.
...gentle and effective practitioner
Kiiko Matsumoto's dedication to her patient's health is evident in her loyal patient base. She approaches each case with enthusiasm and extensive knowledge. Her style of acupuncture is effective in many different conditions because it focus on the entire body and adjusts to meet the needs of each individual. Kiiko is well known for achieving incredible results while using the smallest gauge needles that are virtually painless. Many physicians refer their patients to her because they know that she can provide their clients with significant pain and symptom relief without the worry of side effects.
...a brilliant and dynamic teacher
Kiiko Matsumoto's approach is taught in many acupuncture schools. She regularly teaches her style of acupuncture around the world and in the U.S. Her dedication to researching and understanding the Chinese medical classics makes her one of the authorities on the subject of acupuncture. She shares this knowledge with her patients in her clinic and with students around the world in her seminars. Kiiko's passion for sharing her research makes her a popular and sought after teacher. Her students find her seminars to be practical, fun and dynamic.